It fuckin snowed. Can you beleive it? Before snowed! I really hate that shit man. When I moved here from Cali I was not excited to finally see snow in person. I looked at it like..."o...its snowing." Not upset but not excited either. But fuck it now..i get upset. Fuck Snow!!!!
So yeah I just got full confirmation that one of my friends is not healthy for me. I still care for him because I honestly want to beleive that he is a good person...because that is how he portrays himself. But what I really saw this weekend (and have been seeing for quite some time now) is that he really is all about himself. Himself his drugs and his way. His way being getting what he wants at everybody elses expense. I say his drugs because we have a mutual friend that used to be an addict but yet he is very carefree about sharing them with him.
I know his train of thought though and of course his excuse will be that this friend of ours is grown and can make decisions for himself bla bla bla. This is true. It still don't make it right. If you leave a steak in the middle of the floor for an you think that a well trained pet isnt going to eat it? I mean anything is possible...but lets be real...c'mon. I am not saying that our mutual friend will become an addict again...but he has started some new drugs. So yeah...
I have paid a lot of attention...I really have, because you are the company that you keep. Right.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005

So it has really been awhile since I said I would update this..i think. I have had a very busy few weeks. Think old skool Trannie from LA, Search for a new roommate, passport madness, non speaking turned to speaking situations with good friends and getting kicked out of a Halloween party (twice) that was being thrown by my previous job. I know I missed something! LOL
I have so much to comment on that Im just not going to. Thats right. I'll just get down to the lesson I have learned in the last few weeks: Selfish people don't change. Thats right people! If you have a friend that is close to you that has that nasty selfish trait, realize right now that they will not change. They might modify their behaviour...but the selfishness will not go away. Yap.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Why is this word so hard to say for some people? If you did something wrong be a fucking man (or woman) and appologize. And just to clear things up...admitting to something wrong is NOT the same as appologizing.
This blog is dedicated to a few people right now.
This blog is dedicated to a few people right now.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
Very Interesting Evening...
I have to really sit and think about this next blog before I type it. I really dont want to miss anything out because I have some good reads! lol but leaving this blog as a reminder to myself. Trust'll like it. Just think...tall volley ball playing Fem Queen from LA who doesnt tuck..... riiiiight.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Last Name Queen, First Name Judy!
This is true. She had applied for loan and got denied. I wonder why? lol for those of you who get this Im sure you are falling out. I know I did.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Yes kiddies I am suffering from vertigo...again. My glands are swollen too. Not sure if I am just noticing it now for the first time or if this is new. The swolleness that is. I just wanna make it to Costa Rica dammit!!
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Call me...k?
So my job took away certain web sites from us. Us being the employees of course. So yeah..I cannot post blogs from work anymore nor can I check my outside emails or Myspace. Bastards!! All of them. It’s soooo not busy anymore. When I had to take like 80 plus phone calls a day I had full access. But now im taking 30-to50 calls a day. Mind you I work 10 hours a day. So 30 to 50 calls aint shit. So I sit in between these f-ing calls thinking about what I can do next. Mess. Life at a call center.
Recently while at work I had an incident in the restroom that had me run to my cubicle in embarrassment. When I go to the lil boys room I refuse to use the urinals unless they have dividers! I will not stand there with my unit hanging around for somebody else to see. Especially when I am peeing!! Sorry but that shit is too personal. My job has no dividers so I always go into the stalls. So I go into the bathroom and head to the stall as usual and was handling my business. I noticed there was somebody in the next stall handling their business too. But they was not peeing…feel me? Lol right.
So after I was done I went to get some toilet paper to wipe the seat (hey! At least I wipe it!) and as I was pulling the toilet paper it came off of the rolling thing and fell to the floor. Not only did it fall to the floor but it rolled over into the next stall! I was still holding on to the sheet part of the toilet paper so I started pulling it so I can get the roll back into my stall. It didn’t work. I kept pulling that shit and I started sweating because the person in the next stall was quiet which made me super embarrassed and nervous. Just as I was about to apologize and run out I gave the roll one hard tug and it flew into my stall. I picked that shit up so fast, wiped the seat with a wad of paper flushed it immediately and ran out.
I sit next to the restroom so I ducked into my cubicle and collected myself. I never got to see who was in that stall. What if he was dead!? Lol Ok that’s dramatic. Im actually typing this at work. Im going to email it to myself and cut and paste this bitch. On a random note our new roommate is moving out already. I think he can’t afford to live there because he has been looking for a second job these past few weeks. Oh well. He’s dirty anyways. I can’t stand a motherfukka that can’t clean up after himself w/o somebody telling them. Grow up bitch! Shit.
On with the interviewing!!
So my job took away certain web sites from us. Us being the employees of course. So yeah..I cannot post blogs from work anymore nor can I check my outside emails or Myspace. Bastards!! All of them. It’s soooo not busy anymore. When I had to take like 80 plus phone calls a day I had full access. But now im taking 30-to50 calls a day. Mind you I work 10 hours a day. So 30 to 50 calls aint shit. So I sit in between these f-ing calls thinking about what I can do next. Mess. Life at a call center.
Recently while at work I had an incident in the restroom that had me run to my cubicle in embarrassment. When I go to the lil boys room I refuse to use the urinals unless they have dividers! I will not stand there with my unit hanging around for somebody else to see. Especially when I am peeing!! Sorry but that shit is too personal. My job has no dividers so I always go into the stalls. So I go into the bathroom and head to the stall as usual and was handling my business. I noticed there was somebody in the next stall handling their business too. But they was not peeing…feel me? Lol right.
So after I was done I went to get some toilet paper to wipe the seat (hey! At least I wipe it!) and as I was pulling the toilet paper it came off of the rolling thing and fell to the floor. Not only did it fall to the floor but it rolled over into the next stall! I was still holding on to the sheet part of the toilet paper so I started pulling it so I can get the roll back into my stall. It didn’t work. I kept pulling that shit and I started sweating because the person in the next stall was quiet which made me super embarrassed and nervous. Just as I was about to apologize and run out I gave the roll one hard tug and it flew into my stall. I picked that shit up so fast, wiped the seat with a wad of paper flushed it immediately and ran out.
I sit next to the restroom so I ducked into my cubicle and collected myself. I never got to see who was in that stall. What if he was dead!? Lol Ok that’s dramatic. Im actually typing this at work. Im going to email it to myself and cut and paste this bitch. On a random note our new roommate is moving out already. I think he can’t afford to live there because he has been looking for a second job these past few weeks. Oh well. He’s dirty anyways. I can’t stand a motherfukka that can’t clean up after himself w/o somebody telling them. Grow up bitch! Shit.
On with the interviewing!!
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Hello Mike.

There was a point in time in my life where I would not allow people to call me Mikey(though some people were relentless). I thought Mikey was too young sounding and it made me feel like a damn baby. Mike was not a baby. At all. So yeah when I got to that point in my life where I was trying to find myself and get myself together I didn't have to worry about Mikey VS Mike because I had like 2 friends for like 2 years and they called me Mike. I took a break from everything: Clubs, people, SHOPPING and dating.
Well when I came back from my hiatus I felt like a new person. I really did. So....I decided to go by Mikey. lol It went well with my brand new views on self and other people around me. Everybody I met from there on would get my introduction as Mikey. It was great. I have been going by Mikey for about 4 years now. Don't get me wrong I don't have a split personality, Im just feeling very Damita Jo about the situation!
I am a cold person. I didn't grow up with family values because my family didn't have any. So I have always had low tolerance with people. I didn't (and still don't) take any shit from my family so why should I take it from others? Well I changed that way of thinking for a while. Like 4 years. It's time to change again.
And it feels right.
It's not gonna stick because I am a happier person when I am not as cold ...but right now I need to be this way. There are some people that I adore who have been walking all over me and that is not gonna work. The people that I cut off before were really shitty fuckin people and they still are but some of the people I am cutting off now are not. They are good people...but nobody is w/o their flaws. However I will only suffer for so long under somebody else's flaws. I would rather be alone.
A quote I am currently entertaining:
"Change is coming. I don't kiss ass so don't get me confused...I am the bridge you need to cross make sure to clean your fucking feet when you cross it because I like to throw bitches off. "
Mike is back.
Friday, October 07, 2005
And Another One.
You know somebody is wrong when they pussy foot around questions. You also know when people are not "too proud" of what they are doing when they conveniantly leave details out of conversations.
Im still on cut off mode so its all good. Maybe I'm crazy but I have standards for the people I keep around me.
Im still on cut off mode so its all good. Maybe I'm crazy but I have standards for the people I keep around me.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
Oh Behave!
They havent taken my internet option off ...YET. So I am blogging from work. Its been very slow lately and the days are soooooooo much longer. I am going on a boat cruise this evening courtesy of my job. Amen to free food. So yeah....I have so much on my mind that its hard to get any of it out.
Im sefish. Very selfish and very stubborn. I felt like I was getting better with those two things but I think Im starting to regress ...but in a big way. OMG! I think I need to be punished! lol
I need new clothes. Maybe if I get a new look my attitude wont suck as much. Lately I have been treating people the way I feel I have been treated by friends I used to have around me: despensable. However I like the clothes I have now...I just need some new ones! Im trying to re-invent myself in a lot of ways. Sometimes you just have to just shed.
I have made some decisions Im sure I will feel bad about but I wont regret them becasue they were right at the moment. Life goes on.
So yeah I need some new clothes! If I can keep this weight on Im gonna turn into a tight fag I know it. Wearing more fitted clothes me horny. ha ha This blog sux. I keep getting interupted by phone its all watered down and messy. Fuck off you love it!
Im sefish. Very selfish and very stubborn. I felt like I was getting better with those two things but I think Im starting to regress ...but in a big way. OMG! I think I need to be punished! lol
I need new clothes. Maybe if I get a new look my attitude wont suck as much. Lately I have been treating people the way I feel I have been treated by friends I used to have around me: despensable. However I like the clothes I have now...I just need some new ones! Im trying to re-invent myself in a lot of ways. Sometimes you just have to just shed.
I have made some decisions Im sure I will feel bad about but I wont regret them becasue they were right at the moment. Life goes on.
So yeah I need some new clothes! If I can keep this weight on Im gonna turn into a tight fag I know it. Wearing more fitted clothes me horny. ha ha This blog sux. I keep getting interupted by phone its all watered down and messy. Fuck off you love it!
Feb 15
Remember what I got for my birthday? My birthday this year was right up there with the birthday I had when my mother busted my lip for popping a fucking balloon. Yes there was blood. Both this birthday and that birthday scarred me for life. So why should I invest in somebody's birthday that contributed to such a horrible time in my life?
We're all good now. But maybe I'm not that over what was done to me. It's so crazy how we are all good until some random reminder just pops up. I'm sorry but birthdays don't do it for me right now.
We're all good now. But maybe I'm not that over what was done to me. It's so crazy how we are all good until some random reminder just pops up. I'm sorry but birthdays don't do it for me right now.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Four More Weeks
Thats right. Four more f-ing weeks till I go to Costa Rica. I am still very excited and still very scared. Lord it's late. I have work in the morning. But I just had to get a blog in for this weekend because my job is evil and blocked my blog from the network. Assholes.
Anyhoo my good friend from NY(Brooklyn) came to visit for the weekend and we cut up as usual. I had to cus some man out for beeping his horn at us because we were walking on the side of the street. As he drove by us I noticed his window was down and said "PS Its a red light asshole!" And of course it didnt stop there. I continued to walk behind his luxury SUV and kept poppin shit....even as we walked by it. So of course the driver being the big man that he is decided to yell back....when the light turned green...and yes he was driving away. Pussy.
We went to the gym and did the damn thing and cut up in there too. Brooklyn has a finger pointing problem that I had to make him aware of while we were working out. And he wore short shorts and skipped around my gym. was a moment.
So Brooklyn told me that a some what mutual friend of ours is sudenly moving in with him. I think its a terrible idea. This person used to be my best friend but turned into a monster when he became my roommate. Our (best)friendship pretty much ended because of us being roommates and I just don't want to see the same thing happen with them. But he is grown...and I will not sabotage somebody elses housing.
We're all entitled to make mistakes.
On a random note I have decided to cut somebody else off. I took him off of my DowneLink and MySpace friends list. Us being friends no longer serves a purpose. I am getting better as far as how "used" I felt not too long ago. Absence doesnt always makes the heart grow fonder. In this case its having a chilling affect. No more dead weight.
If you are reading this and you figured out its hard feelings. But now that we don't share a certain person as a good friend anymore...there is no need for me to tolerate you.
Anyhoo my good friend from NY(Brooklyn) came to visit for the weekend and we cut up as usual. I had to cus some man out for beeping his horn at us because we were walking on the side of the street. As he drove by us I noticed his window was down and said "PS Its a red light asshole!" And of course it didnt stop there. I continued to walk behind his luxury SUV and kept poppin shit....even as we walked by it. So of course the driver being the big man that he is decided to yell back....when the light turned green...and yes he was driving away. Pussy.
We went to the gym and did the damn thing and cut up in there too. Brooklyn has a finger pointing problem that I had to make him aware of while we were working out. And he wore short shorts and skipped around my gym. was a moment.
So Brooklyn told me that a some what mutual friend of ours is sudenly moving in with him. I think its a terrible idea. This person used to be my best friend but turned into a monster when he became my roommate. Our (best)friendship pretty much ended because of us being roommates and I just don't want to see the same thing happen with them. But he is grown...and I will not sabotage somebody elses housing.
We're all entitled to make mistakes.
On a random note I have decided to cut somebody else off. I took him off of my DowneLink and MySpace friends list. Us being friends no longer serves a purpose. I am getting better as far as how "used" I felt not too long ago. Absence doesnt always makes the heart grow fonder. In this case its having a chilling affect. No more dead weight.
If you are reading this and you figured out its hard feelings. But now that we don't share a certain person as a good friend anymore...there is no need for me to tolerate you.
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