The reason behind me not blogging the way I normally do is because I have become complacent with my lifestyle. I have had this love hate relationship with Boston for years because most of my good friends end up moving away. I never wanted to feel pressured to move because everybody else is doing it. Im not that kind of person. I mean helllo..Im 27 years old and I JUST started drinking.
However this year sparked something in me to do so. I have endured so much pain and betrayal this year. I have said this plenty of times before but I will say it again, I am not a cryer. But that is what I did from February to about June. Maybe even once in July. lol Its been a really hard and challenging year for me but it has been so important and defining for me as well. I have learned a great deal about myself and I am not just stronger but I am also proud of myself. Proud because I still have my faith. The faith that I m talking about is in regards to myself and other people.
Lately I have been hanging out with some pretty kool people. All young and grown people of color who like to party but hold down jobs and take care of themselves. No fag scandals just really good times. I have been a part of this group of people since I stopped my NYC trips. I have been having such a good time that I have fallen off track. Its easy to lose site of what you have to do when you are having a good time.
I recently drank too much Patrone and had to be helped out of the club. lol I then went home and vomited 6 times. yeah. gross. I then got up a few hours later and went to work for 8 hours. It was miserable...but it woke me the fuck up. I got to stop partying and get on with my plans. I need to start saving again and continue with my goals.
I will post some pics soon.
Miss me,