Tuesday started as a grim day. I was given a number as to how many people are going to be laid off at my job and I felt sick to my stomach for most of the day. That was until I saw Robyn perform. Yes, THAT Robyn! from the late 90's, "Show Me Love," Robyn.
From what I have gathered, she was somewhat of a puppet back then. She now has her own Indie label and has a really good pop album that was released in the US as of yesterday. This is the most PURE pop album I have heard in a long time..if ever. FYI: Pure and pop are words that aren't really used to describe a sound. No big producers or army of writers. Not that I am against what big producers and writers can create, but when an artist can make really good music on their own, it makes it special and honest.
Anyhoo, her live performance was so simple and raw yet filled with yummy pop. Her voice sounded exactly the same in person as it does on her album. One amazing thing about her was that she was able to dance, jump, run, pose and sing without going off key or sounding out of breath. The only person I have seen live that can do that, is Beyonce. I can go on and on..but her sound is so new and FRESH that I would rather anybody reading this, to actually listen to it and fall in love with pop music again.
Give Robyn and good music a chance and BUY her music if you like it.
PS, when she sang Eclipse, I could barely sing a long with her because I got teary eyed! lol
This is the cover of her CD if you look for it. You can find her on the remix to Snoop Dogg's Sexual Seduction on iTunes.