Since my last post, things have actually been going in the right direction. Still in love with life, NYC, my guy, etc. Things are far from perfect, but I am in it to win it. In the last few weeks, there have been lots of dancing and celebrating. Celebrating new/old friendships, opportunities, good times and progression.
One particular subject/situation that has come up recently, is my quietness around new people. Naturally and contrary to popular belief, I am not good at breaking the ice. However, when spoken to, I am very responsive. I can go on and on about how I grew up and why it's difficult for me to excel in new social situations, but Im tired of doing so. Call me stubborn, but I am into my 30's now and I really don't feel the need to constantly justify my shyness to new people (unless it is work related). Just because Im quiet and often expressionless, doesn't mean that I am not present or without opinion.
Somebody has to listen, right? It would be totally different if I was saying or acting offensive, but I am far from that. I also realize that insecure people find it difficult to accept my shyness and self internalize it...aka take it personal. What can i do? Im not a mind reader. Im ok with people asking me questions to try and understand me, but am not ok with being accused of something that is not true.
Anyhoo, here are some pics from the last month or so: