Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Fetish for Fashion

On Feb 12, Folsom Street East presented its First Anual Fetish Fashion Show and Charity Auction, benefitting The Center: the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center.  Billboard Dance Number 1 artist, Sylvia Tosun, performed and hosted at the event.  Many of you may not know, but Sylvia was one of my bosses when I worked for a hotel in Manhattan.  She invited me as a VIP guest and I of course brought my camera to catch al of the action!

I hope you enjoy viewing the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them! ;)

Lots more after the jump...

My 3rd Birthday in NYC

Here are some pics from my 3rd official Birthday in NYC.  Like last year, I had it at F-Word.  However, this year, F-Word is now at legendary nightclub Splash.  A good time was had by all!  As I glanced through the pictures, I noticed that there were LOTS of people I didn't get to photograph.  Either way, the general energy is in the pics. 

There are lots more pics after the jump.....