A little over 5 weeks and I will be in Costa Rica. I am scared to death. I have never been out of the country and after seeing that mess go down in Aruba I am going to make sure not to hang out with any sweedish people! lol Mess. But yeah...thats some serious stuff though. I am thinking more about my friends and family here more then I am about myself. If something were to happen to me how would they know? How long would it take for them to find out? Could I just vanish? So many things.
Either way Im still excited to go. I think Im more excited to come back...even though I aint even there yet. I wanna come home and be refreshed.
Im listening to Who is Jill Scott? Damn this CD is good. How did I ever stop listening to this?
Thursday, September 29, 2005
New York/Thirsty
This post is actually boring. But I did it for myself so I can come back and remember this weekend. It was nice.
I spent last weekend in NY with a very close friend of mine. We had a very chill laid back weekend with a splash of Diva Dance at the Roxy. I left Boston at 11:30pm on Thursday and got into NY a litte bit before 3:30am Friday. Can I tell you I hauled ass to get that damn 11:30 train! I ran through every station to get to that bus. And for those that don't know I am quite the sweater...I sweat all the time...so imagine me running with bags. Awfull.
So yeah, by the time I got on that bus i realized that I was really thirsty. I started searching for gum or candy in my pockets so I could have something to chew on to build up the saliva in my mouth (dont that sound gross? it works though.) but I found nothing. I started to panic thinking maybe I was gonna die of thirst on the chinatown bus just because i wanted to avoid Friday traffic. I thought about my options and made a few phone calls and mentioned to all parties how thirsty I was. Apparantly nobody cared because they were either getting ready for bed or a club. So I thought about how sometimes when Im really tired and I'll just go to bed thirsty because I was too lazy to get off my bed. So I went to sleep.
I made it to chinatown and took a cab to my friends house in Brooklyn. As soon as I walked into his house I went straight to the fridge....from Boston to the BK with not a lick of fuckin liquids! So yeah...enough about thirst.
Friday was very chill. We chilled around the house all day and had some friends over. I caught up with another good friend of mine and watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I have to own that movie now. All I got to say is "Call the Po Po Ho." I love you Kaseem. I don't care how long we don't interact for...everytime we talk or hang out I realize how great of a person you are. Thank you for being "you." ::wink wink::
Saturday was kinda busy. We drove into the city and went into Puma so I could buy a bag. I asked the lady at the register if I could have it and she smiled. I paid for it. After that I chilled with somebody who does GAP commercials. Don't ask. It was late by the time I left the GAP's house and I went to meet up with 2 of my house sisters at Escuelita's. Since I was in the area I visited my BF (yes he went to...but he was with hanging with his peoples...seperate is good...trust me) at his hotel in Times Square. It was more of a check in. I love him so much. ::sigh::
After the check in I went over to meet my sisters. We chilled for about an hour and I realized how tacky and tired that club was. So I left and headed over to the Roxy. I met up with my friend from Brooklyn and some other people. And my BF showed up with his peoples...so we spent a good portion of the night together. Did I mention I love him? Anyhoo I saw a lot of boozing and drug taking in that club. Like...a lot. Im deffinately not Diva Dance material. But I am glad I went and I will most likely go a few more times and never go back. Its a pattern. lol
Anyhoo if you got this far thanks. Im tired of writing......
I spent last weekend in NY with a very close friend of mine. We had a very chill laid back weekend with a splash of Diva Dance at the Roxy. I left Boston at 11:30pm on Thursday and got into NY a litte bit before 3:30am Friday. Can I tell you I hauled ass to get that damn 11:30 train! I ran through every station to get to that bus. And for those that don't know I am quite the sweater...I sweat all the time...so imagine me running with bags. Awfull.
So yeah, by the time I got on that bus i realized that I was really thirsty. I started searching for gum or candy in my pockets so I could have something to chew on to build up the saliva in my mouth (dont that sound gross? it works though.) but I found nothing. I started to panic thinking maybe I was gonna die of thirst on the chinatown bus just because i wanted to avoid Friday traffic. I thought about my options and made a few phone calls and mentioned to all parties how thirsty I was. Apparantly nobody cared because they were either getting ready for bed or a club. So I thought about how sometimes when Im really tired and I'll just go to bed thirsty because I was too lazy to get off my bed. So I went to sleep.
I made it to chinatown and took a cab to my friends house in Brooklyn. As soon as I walked into his house I went straight to the fridge....from Boston to the BK with not a lick of fuckin liquids! So yeah...enough about thirst.
Friday was very chill. We chilled around the house all day and had some friends over. I caught up with another good friend of mine and watched Diary of a Mad Black Woman. I have to own that movie now. All I got to say is "Call the Po Po Ho." I love you Kaseem. I don't care how long we don't interact for...everytime we talk or hang out I realize how great of a person you are. Thank you for being "you." ::wink wink::
Saturday was kinda busy. We drove into the city and went into Puma so I could buy a bag. I asked the lady at the register if I could have it and she smiled. I paid for it. After that I chilled with somebody who does GAP commercials. Don't ask. It was late by the time I left the GAP's house and I went to meet up with 2 of my house sisters at Escuelita's. Since I was in the area I visited my BF (yes he went to...but he was with hanging with his peoples...seperate is good...trust me) at his hotel in Times Square. It was more of a check in. I love him so much. ::sigh::
After the check in I went over to meet my sisters. We chilled for about an hour and I realized how tacky and tired that club was. So I left and headed over to the Roxy. I met up with my friend from Brooklyn and some other people. And my BF showed up with his peoples...so we spent a good portion of the night together. Did I mention I love him? Anyhoo I saw a lot of boozing and drug taking in that club. Like...a lot. Im deffinately not Diva Dance material. But I am glad I went and I will most likely go a few more times and never go back. Its a pattern. lol
Anyhoo if you got this far thanks. Im tired of writing......
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Hold Up!
So I went out last night and had a pretty decent time. I would just like to say that I cannot do the clubs like I used to. I have been grappling with this for sometime...am I getting too old for clubs? Like physically old? I mean with time we are not able to just go on all night because our bodies will be shot. I don't know about you but I plan on making sure I don't get older (especially look) then I have to.
Im not old. And Im not a non club person because I am older. I look at it differently now. And quite frankly I cannot enjoy clubs the way I used to. I used to go to the clubs and feel single sexy and free. Feeling like that brings what seems like an infinit amount of energy. Sexual energy. Aint nothing like sexual energy to keep you on your feet all night. You know what Im talkin' bout!!
So yeah...I can't be single, sexy and free anymore. Please don't ask me why. You should know by now. And if you don't maybe you should ask my boyfriend. I guess the club experience is something I have to sacrifice in order to stay in a relationship. ::sigh:: I did have some sexy moments though. I mean it's wierd cuz Im not one to slut around in clubs. Unless we're out of town...lol No comment! I don't even like dancing with people. I tend to get off by just dancing and being watched. Feels so different now.
I have the "my legs are sore because I didn't know when to stop dancing" feeling. At least my legs dont hurt now as much as they did before. I mean every song was "my song" when I used to club. Now Im selective as to what song I will grace with my smoldering sex appeal. You like that don't you?
Im about to go out this evening to a drag bar by the name of Jacques. My house sister is here on "business," so I have to be the big brother I am and accompany her being that she is a guest in my city.
Hold up!! On a random note...Nina just tried to hump my arm. What kind of fuckin shit is that!? I didn't know female dogs could hump!! She did it 3 times!! The first tims she did it I was confused as to what she was doing. The second time I was in disbeleif and the third time I was appalled. I hope this is normal because Nina is too cute to be a fucking dyke. Ugh.
Im not old. And Im not a non club person because I am older. I look at it differently now. And quite frankly I cannot enjoy clubs the way I used to. I used to go to the clubs and feel single sexy and free. Feeling like that brings what seems like an infinit amount of energy. Sexual energy. Aint nothing like sexual energy to keep you on your feet all night. You know what Im talkin' bout!!
So yeah...I can't be single, sexy and free anymore. Please don't ask me why. You should know by now. And if you don't maybe you should ask my boyfriend. I guess the club experience is something I have to sacrifice in order to stay in a relationship. ::sigh:: I did have some sexy moments though. I mean it's wierd cuz Im not one to slut around in clubs. Unless we're out of town...lol No comment! I don't even like dancing with people. I tend to get off by just dancing and being watched. Feels so different now.
I have the "my legs are sore because I didn't know when to stop dancing" feeling. At least my legs dont hurt now as much as they did before. I mean every song was "my song" when I used to club. Now Im selective as to what song I will grace with my smoldering sex appeal. You like that don't you?
Im about to go out this evening to a drag bar by the name of Jacques. My house sister is here on "business," so I have to be the big brother I am and accompany her being that she is a guest in my city.
Hold up!! On a random note...Nina just tried to hump my arm. What kind of fuckin shit is that!? I didn't know female dogs could hump!! She did it 3 times!! The first tims she did it I was confused as to what she was doing. The second time I was in disbeleif and the third time I was appalled. I hope this is normal because Nina is too cute to be a fucking dyke. Ugh.

Thursday, September 15, 2005
Baking Powder
For the Waynes World impaired: Baking Powder=Beg Your Pardon?
I was just going over my blogs when I had to laugh at how many spelling and grammatical errors I have. Especially in that G Star post. Lord. Anyhoo..Im at work and I can feel my belly push against my belt. This sudden wieght gain is starting to disgust me. But damn I look good in clothes...out of clothes is a different story. Well..at least for the mid sections. Bleh. Im getting to the point where nice bodies don't turn me on...they make me envious. I can't wait till November.
I was just going over my blogs when I had to laugh at how many spelling and grammatical errors I have. Especially in that G Star post. Lord. Anyhoo..Im at work and I can feel my belly push against my belt. This sudden wieght gain is starting to disgust me. But damn I look good in clothes...out of clothes is a different story. Well..at least for the mid sections. Bleh. Im getting to the point where nice bodies don't turn me on...they make me envious. I can't wait till November.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
After work I remembered I had to pick up some items at the CVS by my house. It was the same bus ride as usual me and a friend of mine (that works with me) were cutting up on the bus talking about all of the crazy people we have to talk to at work. Which reminds me to make a blog about some of these bama ass people.
Anyhoo after I got off the bus I walked a few steps and I was already in CVS. It was about that time again: time for tooth brush, soap, milk and some other shit. As I was cruising through the aisles looking for various toiletries (and my dairy product) a Sade song came on and I instantly felt emotional. Not because I am sad or anyting like that....I really don't have anything to be emotional about. If anything I have just been pretty bored lately.
Being in the middle of a CVS feeling emotional while smelling deodarants made me really respect Sade even more. The woman is that good that she manages to touch my soul with the sound of her voice. Even through a muffled drugstore stereo speaker. I would most likely sob if I ever met her. The amount of sorrow her music has managed to extract from the core of my being is without description.

Thank you.
Anyhoo after I got off the bus I walked a few steps and I was already in CVS. It was about that time again: time for tooth brush, soap, milk and some other shit. As I was cruising through the aisles looking for various toiletries (and my dairy product) a Sade song came on and I instantly felt emotional. Not because I am sad or anyting like that....I really don't have anything to be emotional about. If anything I have just been pretty bored lately.
Being in the middle of a CVS feeling emotional while smelling deodarants made me really respect Sade even more. The woman is that good that she manages to touch my soul with the sound of her voice. Even through a muffled drugstore stereo speaker. I would most likely sob if I ever met her. The amount of sorrow her music has managed to extract from the core of my being is without description.

Thank you.
Friday, September 09, 2005
So Much To Say (Revised)
Wow. So much has happened in the last month. Yet I know there is much more to come. I dont feel as drained anymore. I feel so much lighter and I have some space/time to think. Things are still far from perfect but this is a start. I still have a few layers to shed.
I am anticipating the end of this year. ::sigh::
So much going on...yet I feel like I am running in place.
I recently ordered some new Pumas and had them delivered to my job. They came with an unexpected gift. A small red key chain that had the Puma logo on one side and an alien on the opposite side. The alien side had a quote on it: Make New Friends.
Very powerful starement. However I am not in the mood for new friends but I do see how that will soon come into play. It gets a little boring at times and I dont want to go back to "old" faces for friendship. Makes me feel desperate. I dont like when old friends show up and want to all of a sudden be my new best friend. Its like...why couldnt you be my friend like this in the first place? Tacky.
I am anticipating the end of this year. ::sigh::
So much going on...yet I feel like I am running in place.
I recently ordered some new Pumas and had them delivered to my job. They came with an unexpected gift. A small red key chain that had the Puma logo on one side and an alien on the opposite side. The alien side had a quote on it: Make New Friends.
Very powerful starement. However I am not in the mood for new friends but I do see how that will soon come into play. It gets a little boring at times and I dont want to go back to "old" faces for friendship. Makes me feel desperate. I dont like when old friends show up and want to all of a sudden be my new best friend. Its like...why couldnt you be my friend like this in the first place? Tacky.
Monday, September 05, 2005
I wanted to leave a Blog yesterday becaue I had a lot of thoughts going on. But I have loste that magic. Plus I have a nosey ass guest over my house. God bless him. So yeah...Im finally leaving my abusive relationship with Nextel for a more International Traveling relationship with Sprint. Well...its not final yet but its on the works. Yay reception! Winter is coming and I need to be able to talk IN the house. Dammit.
I can hear Nina crying in the pantry. Time to get dressed.
I can hear Nina crying in the pantry. Time to get dressed.
Saturday, September 03, 2005
G G G G G G Star!!
So I finally went into the new G Star store on Newbury St and it didnt have that much of a selection. But some of the shit in there was hot. The sales boy in there was cute and I can sense he was flirting with me (possibly to make a sale!) and he helped me with these hot black camo pants. They were fitted and looked very nice around my bootage. I think he noticed this because he told me the girl version was more fitted "around here" and he pointed to my inner thigh and motioned to the back of me. So basically it would be tight on my dick and ass.
I looked down at my brand new socks and saw some black shit on them. I knew it wasnt from my sneakers because they were new. I hadnt gotten the chance to walk around the house with dirty socks or lack there of.. to tarnish the insides of them. I was a little embarrased but more baffled then anything. As I was talking to the sales boy I looked down at the pants to see what they would look like with my hands in the pockets. It was nice...but when I took my hands out of my pocket they were BLACK!!!!!!
I pointed this out to the sales boy and he said its "normal" and that you have to wash them first before you wear them. Excuse me? I knew right then and there I wasnt investing in those pants. But he still convinced me to try on a womans pair. Ha ha. It really was tighter around my dick and ass. There were these adjuster things on the pants that made the waste tighter (itr was already a size 30!) and he actually touched me and adjusted them. That was brave.
AnyhooI took them shits off and looked at the price in the fitting room: $170. Insert laughter. If Im gonna shell out Diesel Jean type of money I better be able to put them on w/o getting my f-ing socks dirty. Who dos that shit?
I told the sales guy that I wouldnt get them cuz I have been gaining weight (Im coming back!) and in another month I might not be able to wear them (truthfully). We then started discussing wieght and eating habbits. He started telling me how to eat. He wants to be a nutritionist. At least thats what he is going to school for. So yeah...we had this small convo about food and eating habbits and then it became clear I wasnt buying shit. So it got awkward cuz I felt like I was loitering. But he started it.
So I left.

PS I want these jeans care to donate a size 31?
I looked down at my brand new socks and saw some black shit on them. I knew it wasnt from my sneakers because they were new. I hadnt gotten the chance to walk around the house with dirty socks or lack there of.. to tarnish the insides of them. I was a little embarrased but more baffled then anything. As I was talking to the sales boy I looked down at the pants to see what they would look like with my hands in the pockets. It was nice...but when I took my hands out of my pocket they were BLACK!!!!!!
I pointed this out to the sales boy and he said its "normal" and that you have to wash them first before you wear them. Excuse me? I knew right then and there I wasnt investing in those pants. But he still convinced me to try on a womans pair. Ha ha. It really was tighter around my dick and ass. There were these adjuster things on the pants that made the waste tighter (itr was already a size 30!) and he actually touched me and adjusted them. That was brave.
AnyhooI took them shits off and looked at the price in the fitting room: $170. Insert laughter. If Im gonna shell out Diesel Jean type of money I better be able to put them on w/o getting my f-ing socks dirty. Who dos that shit?
I told the sales guy that I wouldnt get them cuz I have been gaining weight (Im coming back!) and in another month I might not be able to wear them (truthfully). We then started discussing wieght and eating habbits. He started telling me how to eat. He wants to be a nutritionist. At least thats what he is going to school for. So yeah...we had this small convo about food and eating habbits and then it became clear I wasnt buying shit. So it got awkward cuz I felt like I was loitering. But he started it.
So I left.

PS I want these jeans care to donate a size 31?
Friday, September 02, 2005
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