Im not old. And Im not a non club person because I am older. I look at it differently now. And quite frankly I cannot enjoy clubs the way I used to. I used to go to the clubs and feel single sexy and free. Feeling like that brings what seems like an infinit amount of energy. Sexual energy. Aint nothing like sexual energy to keep you on your feet all night. You know what Im talkin' bout!!
So yeah...I can't be single, sexy and free anymore. Please don't ask me why. You should know by now. And if you don't maybe you should ask my boyfriend. I guess the club experience is something I have to sacrifice in order to stay in a relationship. ::sigh:: I did have some sexy moments though. I mean it's wierd cuz Im not one to slut around in clubs. Unless we're out of No comment! I don't even like dancing with people. I tend to get off by just dancing and being watched. Feels so different now.
I have the "my legs are sore because I didn't know when to stop dancing" feeling. At least my legs dont hurt now as much as they did before. I mean every song was "my song" when I used to club. Now Im selective as to what song I will grace with my smoldering sex appeal. You like that don't you?
Im about to go out this evening to a drag bar by the name of Jacques. My house sister is here on "business," so I have to be the big brother I am and accompany her being that she is a guest in my city.
Hold up!! On a random note...Nina just tried to hump my arm. What kind of fuckin shit is that!? I didn't know female dogs could hump!! She did it 3 times!! The first tims she did it I was confused as to what she was doing. The second time I was in disbeleif and the third time I was appalled. I hope this is normal because Nina is too cute to be a fucking dyke. Ugh.

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