I love New Years...its such an excuse to go 180 on everybody w/o having to explain yourself.
This is the first year in 4 years that I have not indulged myself in a pair of Dior shades. NOW...I am not a label person, but I have an eyewear obsession. Its a sad obsession because I cannot see w/o my regular glasses and I refuse to wear contacts. I pretty much wear my Diors a few times for minutes at a time and then put them away. I got my first pair in South Beach while on my way to my (then) boyfriends hotel to get the money he owed me and to formally let him know it was over. I thought it would be "fab" to show up and look like the sexy people on Ocean Drive with a huge pair of Christian Dior Motards (flashy aviators...very JLO circa '01).
On my way to his hotel I stopped by this Drugstore that seemed to have hired the country of Cuba(im not racist...just blunt). I needed some water because it was so damn hot (it was july) and I didnt want my mouth to be dry when I cussed my (then) boyfriend out. I took a swig of water and was on my way. A few blocks later I realized that I couldnt read any of the street signs w/o my regular glasses on. It was then that I realized that I had left my regular glasses in little Cuba's Drugstore. Im not going to get into how I managed to find my way back or how rude the staff was to me because they thought I was accusing them of stealing when all I was doing was asking them if they had a lost and found.
I didnt get my regular glasses back and I never made it to my (then) boyfriends hotel. But I had my Diors and it looked great with my tan.
Wasn't this blog random?

These are not Diors. I actually don't even own these.
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