As usual, it was around 2am when I decided I was "bored," and needed to practice different angles with lighting. I was sitting around in my Calvins so I decided to throw on some skinny black jeans. It went from simple to dark and sensual and I also played with the color of the lighting in Photoshop. I cant wait to try this technique on somebody else. I have a few projects still lined up and Im pretty excited about them. So far I have been doing things outside since its Summer and the sun is bright, even in the shade.
I am taking a trip to NYC this weekend and I hope to get some good shots of one of my best friends. Hopefully we can fit in some time for pics in some of the backstreets in SoHo. Let me tell you how hard that is when you have a shoppers state of mind like my friends and I have. Focus!!! lol I am also hoping to get some live shots of A Hero Next Door (the band I took pics of). One of the projects that is coming up is one of a girl running down the street with some couture on. Cross your fingers for that one. haha
I always love your shots!!
love em -Miggy
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