So far, its like breaking up with somebody you have been with for a few years. For those of you that know me well, you might see how this is somewhat of an unwanted flashback.
For the last almost 3.5 years of my life, I have dedicated my time and energy to this company. I came in with no experience and made sure to knock down every barrier and any odds that were stacked against me so that I could climb the ladder into a position that would make me proud. Until this job, I had never been promoted to anything and I don't think I ever had the desire or motivation to do so. Not here. I was on a mission and I had to prove to myself, that I can be more then just a worker bee at the bottom of a barrel. Granted, I wasn't a manager or any kind of superior, but I was many platforms away from the position I had first held.

I am not upset that I was chosen this time around (along with 500 others), because this company invested in me the same way that I had invested in it. I got out of it what I put into it, and I can't complain. I know that it is usually not that easy to progress in most company's, so I am grateful to have gotten to where I was at before the layoff. Not only did I progress in the company, but I progressed into a better employee, a harder worker, better team player and able to twist and bend with an ever changing workflow. I wrote a letter to one of my managers the weekend before the layoff, and I told her that "I hope for the best, but I am ready for the worse. What I take from you, **** and everybody I have worked with here, will be invaluable to my future as a team player in almost any setting imaginable." She sent me a nice reply but she ended up losing her job before I made it to the office, so I am glad I was able to put that out there because the people in this company (past and present) are awesome and I really wish nothing but the best for everybody.
Anyhoo, I am sure it will take me a few days or maybe a bit longer to get used to this, but at this point in my life, I am not afraid of change. However, I really am going to miss the people who made going to work extremely easy...so much time spent with them, 5 days a week. Its almost like moving away from family. I feel like I have been able to secure myself some lifetime friends. Thats nice.
I'll be fine.
Take care, my friends.

Changing jobs is hard, good luck.
wow!!! u just brought back soooo many memories. It was 6 years of my life. I understand how u feel. I was in the same boat as u no experience at all and in that company I learned a lot! I wanted to prove to them that they did well in giving me a job. I also felt as though I just had gone through a real bad breakup. I missed my friends there, the family I had there. I was there more than anywhere else.
But it is all for the BEST! We were getting comfortable and change is what makes us better humans in life!
Take care Mike and thanks for keeping me posted.
Aww Mikey, that made me cry. I miss you the most!!! Good luck and please keep in touch. I love you!
Excellent said Mikey! you are an awesome character, I am glad to have shared a workspace with you and many laughter. I wish you tremendous prosperity, now that the FMER chapter is closed, let life rain new opportunities for you.
DPL - my last day with FMER 10/4/07
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