Ok, I have to go on a music rant. I wont go all crazy or take up too much of your time. But, I have to take some time out to let you all know how GREAT Brandy's cd is. Seriously, this has to be the BEST cd I have listened to all year. My friend Rob said, "You have to be too young or have no taste in music to not like this." Although that may sound extreme, if you are a pop music fan, then this is essential.
In this album, Brandy sings her heart out. She is singing like I have never heard her sing before and I feel every last note. I really want her to win...I do. I want her to have that commercial success that she once had and deserves. However, if it compromises the work that she is putting out, I will have to be satisfied because this is GREAT music. When I play it, I can't help but to sing to it.
Don't sleep on Brandy. She is part of that rare 90's breed of R&B pop music that help shape what we hear today. She is a living legend and is still relevant to pop music.
How is Brandy legendary? Because she also helped define music in the 90's and if she stopped making music today, she would always be remembered and covered.
Do music a favor and pick up her cd.
I promise, you will appreciate it! I a practically begging you...lol
Seriously. Give great music a chance.
The unreleased songs like After the Flood, Porcelain, Throw It All Away, and Drum Life = amazing.
HUMAN is such a great album but Afrodisiac is definitely her greatest overall album in my opinion. HUMAN shows great artistic and personal maturity. I think the track Piano Man speaks to the strength of HUMAN...its unapologetic emotion (its Humaness)
Hey I agree with you on the Brandy Album! She may haven't picked the best singles but the album is DOPE!.. 1st & Love... is my shyt...
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