Thursday, June 30, 2011


I typed this out earlier on my phone...for myself.  However, I decided to share it since I haven't blogged here in awhile.

Where and when does potential begin and end? As a person who has been looked upon as having lots of it, I have been wondering where this said potential has gotten me. Did I ever have potential if I haven't grown? Am I just a regular person who appears to have potential but will never hit the mark....because I never had it to begin with?  Have I peaked too early?

I have been asking myself these questions lately because I feel like all of my talents and "potential" have taken a backseat to everything else in my life.  I also lose focus too easily and my rebound time is a bit questionable these days. As usual I think too damn much and I often interrupt my own flow. I feel like I have been in a creative rut for sometime. So as usual I question myself, not in a way that promotes discouragement, but to problem solve.  Bla bla bla

At the end of the day, potential isn't a dirty word.

DR Mike.

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