ChicagoSo I went to Chicago last weekend and had a great time. Chicago is like Boston meets New York. It is super clean (even cleaner then Boston) but is bigger and is open late like New York and yet is just as conservative looking as Boston. The public transportation is just as good as NYC but as easy as Boston. The similarities were insane. After my trip I find myself asking why the hell it took me so long to come here?? There is art all over the downtown area and there are trendy shops all over the place. I heart Chicago! lol
The one thing I didn't care for was the fact that I was the shit. Granted its nice being in a place where people like to look, stare and admire...Im not that full of myself so I would like to do some looking, staring and admiring myself. The only time I really enjoy being watched is when I dance. That's it. I appreciate it when it is done to me but it makes me self conscious after a while because admiring often turns into ugly shades of envy. PS, some man came up to me at a club and told me he would drink my bath water even if I pee'd in it. Exactly.
OK, enough of that. The friend I stayed with is somebody I have had a small crush on for a few months now. I figured I would stay with him since he offered. I wasn't really worried about staying with him because if he turned out to be a different person I would have just stayed with my Milan family in their hotel. Mikey is daring but not stupid. Anyhoo, he showed me around and treated me very well. We did the tourist thing and also hit clubs and restaurants and he even cooked me breakfast everyday and made dinner as well. We chilled and watched movies and even the Sade concert. know how I am about Sade. That woman taught me how to love thru her music. He even played Esthero all weekend. This man was trying to get me to move in! lol
I have a big crush on this man now and I have a lot of respect for him. Even if we stop talking today, I would always remember that weekend as one of my best. Nothing spectacular was just so chill and relaxing yet filled with all of this new stuff. I got to meet some of his friends and even 2003 Playboy Playmate of the year Christina. She is also Play Boy's first Latina Playmateof the year. What?? You never named dropped before?? lol Seriously tho...I wouldn't have cared to mention that if I didn't see that as a huge accomplishment. Google her...she is gorgeous and also better looking in person. She is super young too (24).
Dancing.I decided to take up hip hop dancing classes so I can brush up on my skills. If you see me in a club and dancing within my element, you will see that I am a good dancer. However I love dancing so much that I feel I can be better. Actually I used to be better because I did shows while I was in High School. I was a choreographer for a few dance groups and even started dancing with a company. That was a long time ago and I stopped dancing for a whole year (2005) so I have been spending this whole year trying to get "it" back. People don't understand how much dancing means to me. Dancing is my drug because I really feel high when I let go.
So yeah, I get to the studio and I became very nostalgic. There was something in the air that was so familiar to me. I have no idea how to word it without being corny so we'll just leave it at that. There were a few times during the time I waited that I wanted to get up and leave! I became so intimidated but I realized that this was something I have to conquer. I developed a fear of not being able to absorb choreography. As a former dancer/choreographer that made me feels so ashamed! lol I stayed and although it was hard for me to get the steps, I got most of it and stuck with it as long as I could.
The teacher was cool and I will be coming back next week. Im hoping this opens the door for me to be adventurous enough to take more classes. Not just dancing but kickboxing and photography stuff...maybe.
I still have not had sex since June so I might be able to make it to January! lol
Cross your fingers please.
Fashion.So a good friend of mine told me that a somewhat mutual friend of ours said on a few occasions that I have no fashion sense. The nerve!!! lol Shit...that is the first time some petty shit has managed to get under my skin. Its not because I am insecure and decided to question myself..because none of that happened. You know why? Because I create fashion I don't follow it. You know what..Im not even going to defend myself. Lets get to the damn point of why I got upset: The person who said this used to dress like me and borrow my clothes until he decided to find ways to steal high fashion labels.
Thats right...grown ass men stealing clothes. Now Im not trying to throw salt on anybody's game but please understand that when you have to resort to stealing shit to put on this facade of you being this high fashion diva..please be aware that the people around you know exactly who you are so please don't look down on them. That nasty/contridictive wannabe high class yet "normal like you" attitude is just as attractive as the insides of your nose after a club night. See what happenes when you live a lie? You start to beleive it!