My online friends may not know this(because I am nekkid everywhere), but I am heavily into clothes and fashion. I am not the type to follow trends and go with what is in this season. Not at all. If anything I want something from last season, this season and whatever "Mikey" fashion staple I have around me. I love to mix fashion up. What we wear should be a statement about our character. It may not be what we are on the surface..but how we want to be portrayed and or how we are in our minds. It is many things..but one thing is for sure...our style comes from within.
I am a t-shirt and jeans kinda guy. I have all different kinds of Black T's and distressed looking jeans. I tend to blend those with busy sneakers and whatever accessory works for the moment. This year I am looking for a more expensive look. How I am going to achieve that is beyond me. lol I am broke and I plan on making a big move. But somehow someway I will get what I want. I am determined. Grrrrr
An update on my previous blog:
I finally spoke to the person that brought all of the chit chatter to my attention and he clarified a lot of things. Things aren't as bad as they seemed. This is a lesson I have learned before but that I preach about all the time: "If you give people part of the story..they will make up the rest." Its not fair on both ends. So if you have something to say, say it right and don't hold back.
Also, I was pre-diagnosed with Mono on Tuesday. Yes, MONO. Who the hell gets that anyways?? Apparently somebody like me. I fell ill at work and went to my doctor where he did a Strep test that came back neg. So he then continued to take ALL of my blood for the mono test. I came home and did all this research and was completely devested at what I read. Look it up...its not cute. So yeah, the doctor then gives me a call the following day and says that I came out neg. for mono and pos for Strep. Oddly enough that was the best news I could hear at that moment. I actually prayed for some kind of miracle and cried myself to sleep the night before(poor Nina!), so I feel like my prayers were answered.
Now all I need is for somebody to bring me some damn soup!
Awwwww....poor babe! I will have to stop by tomorrow!
This pic imho is by far the
best you've taken. It catches the
eye, it's witty and subtley sexy
all at the same time. It def.
captures the spirit of the
blog (the first part at least)
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