You will help me buy this camera. lol Canon Powershot S3 is my new obsession. I see it as being a great transition camera from point and click, to an SLR (a "pro" camera).
It takes videos and you can detach the lens and use a different one. Nice.
I had originally created this blog as an outlet for my thoughts and as a way for my close friends to keep up with me. I still use this as an outlet for my thoughts and my close friends still read it, however, I have attracted many other readers from around the world. I keep this blog as honest as possible and I type the way that I talk. I want this to come off as a conversation that I am having with you, the reader. Please, excuse my grammar and spelling! There is a lot about me on this blog but its not the full picture. So while I thank you for reading, I think you should know that I leave a lot out.
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