I must say that the people I worked with were absolutely wonderful. The subject herself, Erin, is a cowrker of mine, and she was great to work with. She is normally a Triple 5 Soul kinda gal and she comes to the office in baggy pants and sneakers everyday. It was nice to see her all dolled up. Another coworker of mine, Jess, was my assistant. She helped me with everything and did an awsome job with getting Erin's makeup done and she even made Erin's skirt poofy =)
I have a long way to go but at least I know this now. lol
The place is belongs to another friend of mine and the vintage Chanel pieces were from none other then Steph herself. Let's not forget her friendly neighbor, who provided the much needed help. My pics would not have come out like this without him. Thank you Aaron.

I have gotten some great feedback from many people, by both photographers and "regular" people. I got some good and some bad but all was good. One thing I did learn about criticism is that some people have no tact when giving it. Its important to understand that not everybody will be satisfied and some people think they can be rude with their comments. FYI: Being honast doesn't mean you have to be rude.
Anyhoo...I am sick as a dog because it is Alergy season! grrrrrr
I hear you about tactless criticism, I think it should be a required course in high school
"Constructive Criticism 101." People often use the term, "Brutally honest" when
in fact thier just being rude. Why not just be honest....why brutal? oh, ok...moving on. The shots are good, I didn't feel a connection that married the subject with the purpose of the shot(not a photographer but worked as a stylist for a couple of years)but this is definitely a good place to grow from, IMHO. Also, this is a new venture for you so it will take some practice and time.
I am no photographer, but I was wowed when I read that you had taken those photos; they look very professional, like from right out of a magazine.
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