So I have been on this quest for physical stability for quite some time now and my personal expectations change year to year. Sometimes I want to be thick, other times I want to be lean. I have been ok with being thin (which I usually loath) and have actually thought about just staying thin and developing a nice lean physique. I guess it would make more sense since I am naturally a skinny bastard but don't we always want to be what we're not supposed to be? Is it not motivating to be what you want to be as opposed to what you're supposed to be? Who wants to bow down destiny dammit?
So while I was changing in the locker room I saw this beautiful thug looking latin man with just "everything." When I say "everything" I mean the total physical package: Strong facial features (jawline, chin etc.) thick legs and bootage (he was in his draws) and everything else was juuuust right. I noticed all this in a bout 2 seconds of viewing...LOL. C'mon..being small and pretty at the gym can get u in trouble for peeking... so you best beleive Im a pro at seeing what I gotta see. ::wink wink::
Those 2 seconds and the extra time I spent peeking while watching him walk away, has inspired me to try to be thick again. lol Mess. I spent 21 to 23 being thick and I loved it. I am 26 (27 on feb 15th) now and I have gone from normal to thin since then. I like to wear more fitted clothes now so I guess it would make more sense to fill those clothes out. I used to look like quite the young thug at one point. It was cute on me...but Im changing and my clothes are changing with me.
So yeah...I am now on my quest to be thick again! woo hoo to bootage!!
Here are a few pics from the years when I was "thick." Being that Im wearing my clothes in these pics you will have to go by my arms and face. It was much more full back then...

Sexy man..yummz.
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