My job has been abusive lately. Since its so f-ing busy they have taken our 1 hour breaks down to 30 minutes for the past 3 weeks and I have had to settle for Subway and Au Bon Pain becaue I don't have enough time to run to BK or the food court. Its like im on a fucking diet…Im so full of healthy shit I feel like Im gonna get sick. That healthy shit is the worse’s so expensive and it doesn’t even fill me up. I have a headache just talking about it. Its prolly cuz I’m still hungry.
Im listening to a Res song. I feel like whoever writes her music just takes the emotions from my soul and turns it into beautiful words and melodies that speak to my heart. Im listening to "Miracles" from the Maid in Manhatan Soundtrack. If you don't know about Res I have a link to her MySpace page. It has new material on it that isnt released but you can always cop her first CD "How I Do." Its the kind of album that is an investment. It is part of the soundtrack of my life.........

The woman who turns my emotions into music: Res
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