When I got on the train this morning I saw a very familiar face but wasn't sure where I know him from. It was an old friend from back in the day that I havent seen in years. He called me over and we spoke for a bit. His teeth were dark. lol Sorry...I pay attention to shit like that. Anyhoo he was still a gorgeous boy (man now) and still just as trendy. Very attractive brown skin Cambodian with a very lean body. His hair was great too and he had on really nice glasses. A very sweet guy and always considerate. I was really wondering why we didnt keep contact. I felt like I had missed out on some great years we could have bonded thru.
You know when you see somebody you havent seen for awhile and when you see them they look great and are doing great you just kinda think like...man...can your good fortune rub off on me?? I had one of those moments. I asked him what he does now and he mumbled something about optometrist (man i chopped that spelling up)and an office. I was very impressed. As we talked some more I asked him where he worked and if he gave out prescritions or did eye exams. He said he takes the "patients orders" and sells them glasses. He then told me he worked at a store.
It almost looked like he didnt want to tell me that for some odd reason. It was strange for me..but I went a long with it anyways. We got off at the same stop and gave each other a hug and walked in completely different directions. As I walked up the stairs I turned around and saw him still walking, I realized at that moment why I didn't keep in contact with him anymore. He was a notorious liar. I really forgot. He was the type of liar that would just tell you some really bad ones. Ugh. Tacky lies. Lies about being invited to parties and shit...parties that didnt exist. Mess. I want to go to his store and tell him to grow up...but for what?
I decided today that Im going to look into photography. I have been doing it for many years and I love it. I just never put 2 and 2 together. So I am going to go for it and do research and hopefully find myself taking some classes. Im so sleepy.
I'll let my self pics do the talking....

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