I am going to enjoy myself regardless of what is going on around me. Im going to practice letting go of negative feelings because I have too much to do with "self" right now. I am developing these awful pains in my hands and forearms which is most likely carpal tunnel syndrome. It hurt to jerk off the other day!!! lol But what can I do? I have to get better. No other choice.
I love myself and I love my life. Am I happy? No. But im not miserable and I look forward to being happy...some day. lol Happiness is so what you make it. Im happy when I drink my 3 dollar protien shake and Im happy when I make the right decisions...like buying my 3 dollar protein drink. Everything really adds up and maybe I need to START looking at what is right with me. I am one difficut muthafucka...but I am loved and I love others who love me.
I know this is out of left field for me but so what. This is my moment and I want to share it. Aaoowww!!

My sister Ivette. See the resemblance?
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