Sunday, July 02, 2006


Ok. Lets get straight to the point here. I hung out with somebody I used to really be into. Like..really really be into(we'll call him Italy). For reasons I dont feel like typing, we just couldn't be together. It just wasn't happening. I let go a long time ago and of course I was with "him" for the last few years so I really wasnt thinking about anybody. However I will say that whenever me and Italy would speak or hang out I would always get this rush. Its hard to explain...but its a very anxious feeling.

We hung out for a few hours and all we did was just talk and watch music videos. Damn. I realize now why I like him so much and I guess I have never gotten completely over him. The ending (if there ever was one) was blank. Nothing happened. We just stopped. See. Look at me. I can;t even get my sentences together. He is from NY (lord where else?) and was just visiting. He wants to hang out when I get there so I guess I'll be calling him.

Before he left there was this very awkward moment where it looked like he was about to lean in and kiss me...but I backed up and he paused for a sec and then backed up himself. At least that is what it felt like....I could have just made it up. lol No...Im not. Im just trying to not get caught up. I figure its just not worth it at this point to start something up with him. Its the type of thing where I would want a lot out of it and I just can't give myself up like that right now. ::sigh::: 2 weeks I'll be in NY and we'll see what happens then.

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