Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Movie Night

So I spent the evening watching movies with a new friend of mine. We watched and international movie (subtitled!!!!!!!!!!!!) Beautiful Boxer and some of Best ofShow. I was too tired to finish the second movie because it was (and still is) late. We spoke a lot and like everybody else he "has a friend" that would be "perfect" for me. Im about to give in and start meeting these people because I need to "release some tension."

One thing that stood out about this evening is that he told me about a man he use to date 4 years ago that still has not let go. Can you beleive that shit?? He was talking about how pathetic this guy is for still having those feelings and talking about how he has to move on and get a life. So of course I get nervous and start to wonder if my Ex will be thinking like that in a few years. I have this fantasy (lol..i know) that one day we'll be able to do this again the right way and that I will be able to be the man that he needed me to be. Though in reality in order for me to be "that" man he would have to be "that" man too. I didn't fuck up the relationship on my own.

Anyhoo thanx to that conversation I will deffinitely pay attention to my obsesive tendencies to "hold on." Its so late...why am I even talking about this? I need an NY date. Lets talk about that. Do you know anybody??

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