Sunday, February 24, 2008

I say No to Obama.

A new Senator and author of 2 hope theme books. A man of color, a husband, trustworthy face (and handsome) and a good attitude. Although these things are positives in my book for a good leader, they are not enough. Nothing about this man is enough. What I see from Mr. Obama is the hope for a better leader he could be in the future. To me, he hasn't had enough time to demonstrate what kind of leader he is. AND as an author I find it very disturbing that he has had speeches that were identical, word for word, from Gov. Deval Patrick (who is not doing a good job in my home state of MA and keeps getting popped for doing the most irresponsible things like spending our tax dollars on expensive new furniture and a luxury car) and JFK. Yes, JFK.

How does an accomplished author not have original material for a set of speeches he uses in every state?

I think of hope when the chips are down and we need to look for change. I feel like we are passed that phase and should be about taking action. The hope, for me, is electing a president that will do the things necessary to build our great country back up, not somebody who is still talking about it. I do not want a Democratic candidate that the Republicans support. Why would the Republicans want to support one candidate over another when they have to go into battle either way? Could it be they are rooting for the candidate that will be easiest to beat? Do the republicans really want to battle Hillary...again? What could they possibly say or do to that woman that they haven't done or said in the last 15 years?

I obviously am a Hillary supporter. To me, both Hillary and Barack have some great ideas and I would be fine with any variation of their views...but I believe that only one of them stands a chance at being our next president. I also believe that somebody with as much experience and heart as Hillary would do a better job. I would not be opposed to Barack being our president in 8 years (or 4 years at this rate) because I believe by that time he would be seasoned. But not now.

People are so caught up on wanting something different and just the whole popularity factor but nobody that I have asked has been able to tell me any of Obama's accomplishments. He is winning people over with just his words. I'm sorry, I can't do that.

Anyhoo, that is my 2 cents.

1 comment:

Demetrius said...

I feel you on all this. I'm unconcerned about the speech 'borrowing' if the Governor is. Rather, I want someone who can DO the job as they see, or close to it. Sometimes he seems a bit too much like me, and about the ideas of what's better for the collective rather than hands on, or rather hearts on, practicality of who/what must be done.

And clearly, the Clintons do know that piece. I say let her drive with some conditions for him to be VP or such. (Plus, it'll serve the Right right for stick us ALL - global ALL - with W for TWO terms.)