Wednesday, September 03, 2008

September Blues

This is it. It is now September and I am supposed to be gone by the end of the month. I still don't have a place to live but I have a lot of faith and I am still determined. As I try to wrap up my life here, I seem to be facing some obstacles. Some are pretty important and others are simply out of my control. I do find myself to be extremely tired all the time, both emotionally and physically. There are some people in my life, one in particular, that has really run me down. I mean, this person has put me thru the ringer. I have been disrespected, disregarded, humiliated and in some cases I have felt used. That's what friends are for, right?

I sometimes get choked up when I think about leaving my dog. There was one time I let my uncle watch her for a week. He has 3 other dogs a cat and a bird. When she was dropped off, she was literally moping around for 3 days. I think it was because she was sad to be back and alone while everybody was at work. I think about that and wonder how it will be for her when I leave. My plan is to get myself situated to the NYC lifestyle, and get her back in a year.

Other then that, I am ready to go.

I am truly, truly tired...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your dog will be fine I'm sure that she will be with someone she loves. As for the friend...if it's someone important to you than you should probably have a heart to heart. Only if you love and care for them enough to work it out.