Wednesday, September 14, 2005


After work I remembered I had to pick up some items at the CVS by my house. It was the same bus ride as usual me and a friend of mine (that works with me) were cutting up on the bus talking about all of the crazy people we have to talk to at work. Which reminds me to make a blog about some of these bama ass people.

Anyhoo after I got off the bus I walked a few steps and I was already in CVS. It was about that time again: time for tooth brush, soap, milk and some other shit. As I was cruising through the aisles looking for various toiletries (and my dairy product) a Sade song came on and I instantly felt emotional. Not because I am sad or anyting like that....I really don't have anything to be emotional about. If anything I have just been pretty bored lately.

Being in the middle of a CVS feeling emotional while smelling deodarants made me really respect Sade even more. The woman is that good that she manages to touch my soul with the sound of her voice. Even through a muffled drugstore stereo speaker. I would most likely sob if I ever met her. The amount of sorrow her music has managed to extract from the core of my being is without description.

Thank you.

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