Monday, April 10, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up (revised)

I had one of these (blog post) up Sunday night but it was too discriptive. So here I am summing it up I guess. This weekend was an attempt at taking my mind off of what I have been going thru lately. It worked at times and at other times I was just a complete mess. I have so many unresolved feelings. That is what it is. There is just so much left over inside of me that I can;t get out so it just runs down my face.

Despite it all...I find myself loving him so much that it blindes me. It has even affected my performance at work. I go to work late everyday because I get lost in thought. O my...this is supposed to be a sum up. See...Im consumed.

So yeah...I had an ok weekend. Met up with different friends to get my mind of everything and did some shopping. I even got a line up! I have been looking Fidel Castro lately. Anybody who has seen me walking around with my hair coming out of my hat with my tacky beard knows what I am talking about. Bleh. Im going to phase myself out from using my PC as much. It just adds to my confusion. There is too much to see.

I might not have a blog for a few days because I need a break from spilling all of my misery onto everybody. Thank you so much to those who have read my blogs and have given me advice or any feedback. I appreciate it.

Here's to getting back to blogs filled with attitude and me.

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