Tuesday, May 15, 2007


This weekend was a one year anniversary to a few life changing moments in my life.

RIP Travis.

Thank you for showing the world that a man can change. It may not have been visable to the naked eye, but you were humbled by your circumstance to the point where the beautiful person God intended you to be shined so bright that your sincerity touched many hearts. Where ever you are, you are loved.


You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You are the most constant person in my life and I can't imagine my life without you. This time last year I was so distraught with Travis's death on top of my own problems and you saved me. I don't know how many times I have said that before..but its so true. I may not have been like this today because I was so lost.

I spent this weekend in NYC and I had a blast. No need to name drop because you all know who you are, thank you. I will post my pics right after this blog.

Im a bit emotional right now because I have the right to be.

Mikey needs sleep.


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