Saturday, January 20, 2007

In God's Hands

I bought 29 CD's last year because I bought like 2 the year before. Not only did I buy up all of the sneakers but I bought up all of the damn music too! I am a HUGE music fanatic and have a lot of knowledge about inside stuff. Its such a passion. Im like amusic stalking whore. For real. At some point I hope to make a few tacky 80's inspired songs of my own...before I die. Please.

So yes, I would like to hi-lite one CD in particular: Nelly Furtado's "Loose." That album got me thru my whole year. It spoke volumes to me. I was in such a hard place all year and yet "Loose" not only helped me escape my fears with all of its infectious dance tracks, it helped drain a lot of my tears with ONE track. Yes ONE track that summed up my failed relationship. "In God's Hands" has to be one of the best songs I have ever heard. Its not a masterpiece...its raw. If you have ever been in a relationship with somebody that you genuinely love during and after it has ended...and would want it back...this is the song for you. Can't express how I never let go of that light no matter how dark it got.

I love it to pieces and still play that song along with the entire album..over and over and over again.
Just wanted to share that.

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