Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Call me...k?


So my job took away certain web sites from us. Us being the employees of course. So yeah..I cannot post blogs from work anymore nor can I check my outside emails or Myspace. Bastards!! All of them. It’s soooo not busy anymore. When I had to take like 80 plus phone calls a day I had full access. But now im taking 30-to50 calls a day. Mind you I work 10 hours a day. So 30 to 50 calls aint shit. So I sit in between these f-ing calls thinking about what I can do next. Mess. Life at a call center.

Recently while at work I had an incident in the restroom that had me run to my cubicle in embarrassment. When I go to the lil boys room I refuse to use the urinals unless they have dividers! I will not stand there with my unit hanging around for somebody else to see. Especially when I am peeing!! Sorry but that shit is too personal. My job has no dividers so I always go into the stalls. So I go into the bathroom and head to the stall as usual and was handling my business. I noticed there was somebody in the next stall handling their business too. But they was not peeing…feel me? Lol right.

So after I was done I went to get some toilet paper to wipe the seat (hey! At least I wipe it!) and as I was pulling the toilet paper it came off of the rolling thing and fell to the floor. Not only did it fall to the floor but it rolled over into the next stall! I was still holding on to the sheet part of the toilet paper so I started pulling it so I can get the roll back into my stall. It didn’t work. I kept pulling that shit and I started sweating because the person in the next stall was quiet which made me super embarrassed and nervous. Just as I was about to apologize and run out I gave the roll one hard tug and it flew into my stall. I picked that shit up so fast, wiped the seat with a wad of paper flushed it immediately and ran out.

I sit next to the restroom so I ducked into my cubicle and collected myself. I never got to see who was in that stall. What if he was dead!? Lol Ok that’s dramatic. Im actually typing this at work. Im going to email it to myself and cut and paste this bitch. On a random note our new roommate is moving out already. I think he can’t afford to live there because he has been looking for a second job these past few weeks. Oh well. He’s dirty anyways. I can’t stand a motherfukka that can’t clean up after himself w/o somebody telling them. Grow up bitch! Shit.

On with the interviewing!!

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