Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Insert Sad/Aggravated Face

So I missed my Rihanna concert. I had bought tix to go see her back in June. I was really feeling SOS around that time and saw that her tix were cheap so I bought 2 and figured I would bring my ex because we have seen a few concerts together and were going to see Mariah Carey and Sean Paul later this month anyways. Also I was still stupid in love with him so Im sure somewhere in my brain I thought it would make things “better.” Whatever that means. I had told my boss last week that I wanted to leave early on the 8th so I can go to this concert. He said it was fine as long as I came in early to make up for the time I would be losing. I woke up late, thru some clothes in my puma bag and got to work on time (for a change). So I was a little down that I couldn’t leave early. I asked a 2 coworkers of mine if they wanted to go and they said no…so I was about to ask somebody (attractive!) I just met. I had told him the night before I might ask him to go and he said he would.

Any-fucking-hoo, joke was on me. I called ticket master so they could email me my tix again and they told me I missed it. The concert was on the 3rd. =( On top of that I saw that Gnarls Barkley is going to be performing this Friday and tix were already sold out! Devasting. I have blasted that CD for quite sometime. Some of those songs are spiritual to me..and here I am…no Rihanna, no boyfriend and no Crazy Gnarls Barkley.

And this work day sux.

How bout that??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the commute calls SeƱor ReD keep 'em coming.